What Kind of Factors May Affect the Value of A Motorcycle Injury Claim?

Many drivers wrongfully believe motorcyclists are, by definition, reckless drivers or ignore safety laws by speeding excessively.

If a car collides with your motorcycle, you might sustain severe injuries. This bias regarding motorcycles affects your credibility in a court of law. It has the potential to affect the value of your motorcycle injury claim.

Value of A Motorcycle Injury Claim

Motorcycle accident lawyers Wattel & York state that injured motorcycle victims should not be discouraged from taking legal action in their personal injury claims.

They need to be treated with the same respect as any other accident victim, regardless of what they drive.  

Obtaining compensation for your damages while recovering from your injuries can be stressful nonetheless.

There are many steps to take before receiving your compensation. Legal representation gives you a better chance of receiving higher compensation for your damages. 

Motorcycle accident lawyers give you vital legal advice and guide you through the process, so you can take a break and concentrate on your recovery while they fight on your behalf.

If you are an accident victim and plan to file a compensation claim, these pointers might help you.

Liability and Insurance Issues

Compensation in motorcycle accidents varies depending on many circumstances, and some directly affect what you can receive. Phoenix, Arizona, follows contributory negligence laws.

The outcome depends on if the other party is 100% liable for the accident. If you receive a percentage of fault, this percentage will reduce your overall compensation.

If the other party is entirely at fault for the accident, you will receive full financial compensation for everything related to the accident. 

You must file a compensation claim if the guilty party’s car is insured. You must fill out forms and register them.

A qualified lawyer can help you deal with the bureaucracy. If you are dealing with an uninsured person, you will have to deal with the uninsured/underinsured part of your motorcycle insurance policy. 

The Extent of your Damages and Injuries

The extent of your injuries also influences the amount you will receive in compensation.

If you sustained only minor injuries, your compensation would be lower, and if your injuries are severe and affect your livelihood long-term, you will receive a greater sum.

Injuries caused by a motorcycle accident include spinal injuries, broken ribs, internal bleeding, organ damage, and other severe cases.

If this is your case, your compensation for the damage inflicted by the accident will increase considerably.

The amount will be determined by your medical costs, property damages, and lost wages.

If you require lifelong treatments or cannot work, these will also be considered in the amount of your compensation.

You can also receive punitive damages if the other driver was driving recklessly or under the influence. If this is your case, the amount will also increase.

Punitive damages are meant to punish and set an example for the at-fault driver.

No amount of money can ever make up for the pain and suffering you go through after a motorcycle accident.

What punitive damages seek to do is make sure that the at-fault driver thinks twice before breaking the law again and putting other people’s lives at risk.

Proving Your Case with Evidence and Witnesses

Even if you were not at fault for the accident, it can be challenging to prove your case without evidence.

That is why you must collect as much evidence as possible at the accident site.

If there are any witnesses to the accident, make sure to get their contact information so they can act as character witnesses in your case.

Your lawyer will also request a copy of the police report. The police report is essential as it can help back up your claim.

Make sure you get a copy for yourself as well. If there is any video footage of the accident, that would be useful as well.

If you have a dashcam or there are security cameras in the vicinity, your lawyer can request copies of the footage.

The more evidence you have, the better your chances are of winning your case and receiving full compensation for your damages.

Keep all receipts related to the accident as well. This includes medical bills, property damage repairs, and lost wages.

Your lawyer will need these to calculate the amount of compensation you are entitled to.

Filing Your Claim Within the Statute of Limitations

In Arizona, you have two years from the date of the accident to file a personal injury claim.

This is known as the statute of limitations. If you do not file your claim within this time frame, you will be unable to receive any compensation for your injuries.

It is essential that you speak to a lawyer as soon as possible after the accident so you can begin gathering evidence and filing your claim before it’s too late.

Your lawyer will also deal with the insurance companies and negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf.

If you are unable to reach a settlement with the insurance company, your lawyer will take your case to court, and you will have to go through a trial.

The process can be long and stressful, but if you have a strong case, you have a good chance of winning and receiving the compensation you deserve.

You should not have to go through this process alone, which is why it is essential to have a lawyer by your side who can guide you through every step and ensure that you are treated fairly.

How much you will receive in compensation also depends on whether or not you were at fault for the accident.

If you were not at fault, you will be able to receive full compensation for your damages.

This includes all medical bills, lost wages, and property damage. If you were partially at fault for the accident, your compensation will be reduced by the percentage that you are at fault.

For example, if you are found to be 20% at fault for the accident, you will only be able to receive 80% of your damages.

It is essential to have a lawyer who can help you prove that you were not at fault or that the other driver was more at fault than you were.

If you are successful in doing this, you will be able to receive full compensation for your damages.

Hiring a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

After a motorcycle accident, you should hire a lawyer who has experience handling these types of cases.

Your lawyer will need to investigate the accident, gather evidence, and build a strong case to prove that the other driver was at fault.

If you were not at fault for the accident, you are entitled to receive full compensation for your damages.

This includes all medical bills, lost wages, and property damage. Your lawyer will also negotiate with the insurance companies on your behalf to try to reach a fair settlement.

If you are unable to reach a settlement, your lawyer will take your case to court, and you will have to go through a trial.

The process can be long and stressful, but if you have a strong case, you have a good chance of winning and receiving the compensation you deserve.

You should not have to go through this process alone, which is why it is essential to have a lawyer by your side who can guide you through every step and ensure that you are treated fairly.

Make sure to hire a lawyer who has experience handling motorcycle accident cases, as they will know how to build a strong case and get you the compensation you deserve.

Final words

Being involved in an accident, especially if you are driving a motorcycle, will affect you for some time.

Your recovery might be lengthy if you sustained severe injuries. Protecting your right to receive financial compensation should be a priority.

To do this correctly, seek medical care as soon as possible once you call the authorities to the accident scene.

Never admit fault, write the contact details of eyewitnesses and take photos or videos of the accident if possible, and seek the assistance of a motorcycle accident lawyer.

They will be able to help you receive proper compensation for your losses, including out-of-pocket expenses.

Most importantly, focus on your recovery, and let your lawyer handle the rest.

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